Saturday, April 1, 2023

Post-Production Film Opening


The post-production of the film opening was a rough process. Initially, we did not have all of the footage that we needed for our production to work out. There were issues with continuity and issues with how long the film opening was. All this just worked itself out in the end. All it took was some cutting of unnecessary clips, cleaner transitions, and overall watching and re-watching the film opening so many times I could recite every shot in its order. Just to make sure that it looks almost as nice as I thought in my head. The overall execution was exactly how I planned. 

There were certain techniques that I used just to give the film opening that edge that it needed. Normally, with the drama genre, the films are as realistic as possible. My partner and I really wanted to incorporate music into our film opening and he just so happened to have a record player. The only issue is the only label less record he had was one by the artist Bruno Mars. Obviously, Bruno Mars is a huge artist and had claims over all of his music so we had to find a song off of YouTube audio library. This meant I needed to download the song first and then import it into the film opening. The only issue with this is that it does not sound real. I was playing around with some effects and came across reverb and set it to a setting called "Drum Room" and it made the song sound as if it were in an empty room as we intended. 

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